Raw Cone Cutter
This simple yet effective device from Raw is ingenious!
The Raw Cone Cutter comes as a single unit. Each unit includes a cone cutter and one built-in poker.
Raw has mimicked the classic cigar cutter but modified it to be better suited for cones and joints!
Each device has sharpened 80-degree blades, making it perfect for cutting partial cones.
Enjoy not only a more straightforward re-lighting process but a tastier one.
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Raw Cone Cutter
Raw Cone Cutter is another smoking accessory users can add as a tool for their arsenal! These devices are ingenious, simple, easy-to-use, and effective. The Raw Cone Cutter is a product based on a cigar cutter but modified to be perfect to use on joints and cones instead! I’m sure every user has started a smoke session and been interrupted mid-way through.
Or you are the type of user that never makes it through a full cone or joint. Whatever may be the case, this product comes in handy! This device makes every re-light that much better! So much so that the designer has aptly named this the “Left-Over Sprucer-Upper.” If it is common for a user to ash out their cones and utilize smoking leftovers, this will change their life!
Cone Cutters come as a single unit with minimal packaging. As mentioned, these cutters mimic classic cigar cutters but have been modified to suit cutting cones better. This device has sharpened 80 degree blades specifically for cutting pre-rolled cones. Every device also includes a built-in poker that is flush mounted so it won’t fall off during transport.
The Raw Cone Cutter comes into play when a user wants to save a partial cone. If a cone is just ashed and put to the side, it can be a pain to get lit later and not taste the best. Users cut about 4mm back from the ash point with this device.
The end is easily trimmed off, making the re-lighting process much easier and tastier! It is also a great extinguisher; just cut off the burning end and set the remainder aside.
Product Features:
- Available As A Single Unit With Minimal Packaging
- Mimics A Classic Cigar Cutter With Modifications Made To Better Suit Cones
- One Cone Cutter + One Built-In Poker
- Sharpened 80 Degree Blades Perfect For Cone Cutting
- Great Option For Users Who Utilize Partial Cones And Joints
- Allows For An Easier And Tastier Re-Lighting Process