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Blaze Kratom is a brand new company in the Kratom space, but they sure are blazing a trail!

Blaze Kratom has not only shown us they can care about potency and quality with their full lab-tested full spectrum kratom extracts. They have shown us how innovative they can be as well.

This is the first company to produce a nerd-enhanced kratom extract gummy….and it actually tastes good!

Blending the perfect amount of Kratom Extract and flavor profiles together for each and every product to mask the taste is a massive challenge in this space. Not for this company!

Every product, from their citrusy full spectrum gummies down to their highly potent mango-flavored tinctures at 100mg kratom extract per dropper, is delicious!

Members of the Great CBD Shop team personally use and love this brand. Who wouldn’t? No more nasty-tasting gummies and shots here! In fact, check out our Blaze Kratom review here!