High Voltage 30-Day Permanent Flush Capsules

Take your life back with this 30-day flush capsule box!

Each high voltage 30-day permanent flush box contains 120 capsules. Take four capsules daily and drink plenty of water.

At the end of 30 days, your body will be flushed entirely of residual toxins giving you a clean slate to build healthy habits and remain detoxified!


High Voltage 30-Day Permanent Flush Capsules

High Voltage?30-Day Permanent Flush Capsules set you on the fast track to an entirely new lifestyle! This 30-day capsule flush was designed for those consumers who have been eating poorly for longer than they can remember. High Voltage flush capsules taken over 30 days will ensure the body is completely flushed of residual toxins. This 30-day flush allows you to start again with a clean slate. Create healthy habits, and take your life back again from these toxins!

How Do I Take These 30-Day Flush Capsules Properly For The Best Results?

Each 30-day?flush?box will include 120 capsules total. High voltage has made this as simple of a flush as possible. Consume four flush capsules daily, followed by 16oz of water. After waiting 30 minutes or longer, consume an additional 32oz of water and repeat this for the full 30 days! We’ll list some other things you should consider keeping an eye on to make this flush fully optimal down below:

? Take in the morning with a light meal.

? Maintain daily water intake.

? Combine regular exercise and a healthy diet.

? Avoid unwanted toxins during use.

What Blend Of Natural Detox Items Are Used In These Flush Capsules? What Do They Do?

  • Creatine Monohydrate ? aids in building muscle energy
  • Milk Thistle Seed ? aids in detoxifying the liver
  • Burdock Root Powder ? blood purifier
  • Uva Ursi Leaf Powder ? supports kidney health
  • Turmeric Root Powder ? natural liver detoxifier
  • Ligustrum Fruit Extract ? helps the immune system
  • Gentian Root Powder ? stimulates liver functions
  • Corn Silk Powder ? regulates urinary tract
  • Barberry Bark Powder ? detoxifies the kidneys
  • Dandelion Root Powder ? helps eliminate toxins
  • Juniper Berry Powder ? an excellent diuretic
  • Alfalfa Leaf and Stem ? detoxes the urinary tract
  • Licorice Root Powder ? benefits digestive health