Stinger Detox 5X Instant Cleanser


Do you need a detox product TODAY to rid your body of toxins? Stinger has users covered!

Stringer Detox 5X Instant Cleanser comes in an 8oz bottle. Every bottle contains a 5X concentrated proprietary blend of natural ingredients that aids in detoxing the body instantly.

No 48-hour waiting period works on the same day!

Available in watermelon flavor

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Stinger Detox 5X Instant Cleanser

Stinger Detox 5X Instant Cleanser is another extra-strength dietary supplement. This formula is 5X concentrated and instantly cleanses the user’s body of toxins! Unlike their other formulas like The Buzz 5X Deep System Cleanse and 1HR Cleanse, users do not need to be toxin-free for 48 hours to get the desired effects!

Stinger Detox Instant Cleanser comes in an 8oz bottle. This bottle contains an 800mg proprietary blend of all-natural vitamins and amino acids to aid in detoxification. This blend consists of taurine, MSM, lysine, D-ribose, and niacin.

Increasing these ingredients in the user’s body aids in naturally removing toxins by promoting intracellular response. The main difference in this blend is they have boosted the ingredient profile so that it can instantly begin clearing toxins!

To get the best performance from this dietary supplement, users need to follow the instructions exactly as shown. We’ll list them below:

  • Drink The Entire Bottle 60-90 Minutes Before Your Desired Time
  • Refill The Bottle With Water 2 Times And Drink It
  • Urinate Frequently

Product Features:

  • Available In An 8oz Single-Use Bottle (800mg Active Ingredients)
  • Proprietary Blend Of Natural Ingredients, Including Lysine, Taurine, D-ribose, MSM, And Niacin
  • Removes Toxins Instantly 
  • Dietary Supplement Only