Formula 420 Soak N’ Rinse Cleaner 16oz


Say hello to Formula 420’s first soaking formula!

Formula 420 Soak N’ Rinse comes in a 16oz bottle. Each bottle contains a potent soaking formula with No-ScrubAction Technology, so users don’t have to shake or scrub.

This formula is best used on pieces that have a lot of resin or gunk, as it requires a 24-hour soak.

Soak N’ Rinse pairs perfectly with other formula 710 and formula 420 products.

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Formula 420 Soak N’ Rinse Cleaner 16oz

Formula 420 Soak N’ Rinse Cleaner 16oz is their first formula that requires soaking. While almost all of their Formula 710 and Formula 420 products boast AbrasivAction Technology, which requires no soaking, scrubbing, or waiting, this formula is for soaking!

Sometimes, soaking is the more convenient option. Not everyone has the time to sit down and clean their glass pieces one by one, especially if they need to utilize pipe cleaners to reach those tough-to-reach spots. This Soak-and-Rinse cleaner is the best option for users who are busy or enjoy multitasking.

They can take their pieces, throw them in a container or the tub, and then go to work or do other things while they wait. Although users must soak and wait with this formula, they still don’t need to shake or scrub!

Formula 420 Soak N’ Rinse Cleaner comes in a 16oz bottle. Each bottle contains their exclusive No-Scrub Action Technology for quicker cleaning! Although users need to soak and wait, this formula ensures no scrubbing and shaking. This formula was created with smaller glass pieces in mind, such as pipes, bubblers, dab rigs, etc.

This formula is best used on Pyrex, glass, metal, and ceramic pieces. We’ll list all of the benefits below!

Formula 420 Soak N’ Rinse Benefits:

  • 16 oz. bottle
  • Cleans Pyrex, glass, metal and ceramic
  • Exclusive No-ScrubAction
  • Non-Toxic
  • No shaking or scrubbing
  • Hassle-Free
  • Biodegradable

Product Features:

  • Available In A 16fl oz Bottle
  • Can Be Used On Pipes, Bongs, Bubblers, Dab Rigs, Bongs, ETC.
  • Soaking Formula
  • No Scrubbing Or Shaking
  • No-ScrubAction Technology
  • Safe For Use On Pyrex, Glass, Metal, And Ceramic