High Voltage Detox Fast Flush Capsules

Do you need a fast-acting detox method to remove toxins from your body quickly Look no further!

High Voltage Fast Flush Capsules work within 30 minutes of taking them and last up to 5 hours afterward!

Each package contains six capsules.


High Voltage Detox Fast Flush Capsules

High Voltage Detox Fast Flush Capsules are the same fast-acting capsule blend as their Double Flush product! This product was designed for consumers who don’t necessarily need a deep cleanse like provided by Double Flush. These capsules will provide a fast-acting (within 30 minutes) and effective toxin cleanse lasting up to 5 hours. This can be great for a short-term cleanse in a pinch. If you are looking for a clean slate, it’s recommended to try the five or 30-day cleanse.

What Can I Do To Optimize The Effects Of These Flush Capsules?

Each box contains six capsules. When you are ready to cleanse yourself of toxins, consume all six capsules followed by 16oz of water. Wait 30 minutes, and drink another 32oz of water. This product is most effective after your third-fourth of regular-sized urination. If you want to optimize the effects of these capsules, there are things you can do leading up to the use of these capsules we’ll list below.

  • Avoid unwanted toxins for 24-48 hours.
  • Pre-cleanse the night before (12-24 hours Before consuming High Voltage) by drinking ten 8oz glasses of water over 8 hours.
  • While using this product, frequently urinate to expel toxins.
  • Do not eat large meals or consume any food with Caffeine or Fruit Juices during the pre-cleanse period.
  • Avoid over-the-counter or non-prescribed medications, alcohol, acidic liquids (such as vinegar, pickle juice, coffee, etc.), Vitamins, or salty foods.
  • Drink plenty of water daily.

If you want to be safe, we recommend combining these with a High Voltage Premium Detox Drink.

Capsule Ingredients:

Uva Ursi (leaf), Turmeric Powder (root), Milk Thistle Powder (seed), Creatine Monohydrate, Ligustrum Extract 5:1 (fruit), Gentian Powder (root), Corn Silk, Barberry Powder (bark), Dandelion Powder (root), Juniper Powder (berry), Alfalfa Powder (leaf and stem), Licorice Powder (root), Burdock Powder (root)