Formula 420 Daily Use Concentrated Cleaner 16oz


Highly concentrated formulas are always the best, not only for the user’s wallet but also because they get more use out of the product!

Formula 420 Daily Use Concentrated Cleaner comes in a 16oz bottle. Each bottle contains an all-natural formula featuring their AbrasivAction Technology for quick cleaning.

Due to its high concentration, a little goes a long way. Adding water to this 16-oz bottle turns it into 32-oz!

This formula is best used for Pyrex, glass, metal, and ceramic pieces.

No soaking, scrubbing, or waiting. Done in minutes!

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Formula 420 Daily Use Concentrated Cleaner 16oz

Formula 420 Daily Use Concentrated Cleaner 16oz is a highly concentrated version of their original pipe cleaner. They made this highly concentrated version for loyal users who use cleaners daily. Heavy dry herb users who smoke every day multiple times a day with the same piece will benefit from this formula. Due to its higher concentration, they will need to use significantly less!

This formula saves users’ hard-earned dollars, but it’s even more convenient than the others! Pour out a small dab and add water. They are good to go! The Daily Use Concentrated Cleaner can be used on Pyrex, glass, metal, and ceramic pieces and devices and includes AbrasivAction technology for quick cleaning.

The days of soaking, scrubbing, and waiting while cleaning devices are long gone! That’s right, there are no more excuses to let your glass collection get dirtier than it should.

It is important to keep pieces clean, especially if you are a heavy user, as resin can build up and even mold if they aren’t cleaned often. Not only does this make your bud taste disgusting, but it could also get you sick! Below, we’ll list the benefits of picking this Formula 420 Daily Use Concentrated Cleaner.

Benefits Of Formula 420 Daily Use Cleaner

  • Cleans and Deodorizes in Seconds
  • For Use with Pyrex, Glass, Metal, and Ceramic
  • Hassle-Free, Easy-to-Use
  • Non-Toxic and Biodegradable
  • All Natural Ingredients
  • 45% More Free – Best Value!
  • Size: 16 fl oz

Product Features:

  • Available In A 16fl oz Bottle
  • No Soaking, Scrubbing, Or Waiting
  • Quick Cleaning
  • Safe For Use On Pyrex, Glass, Metal, And Ceramic