Natures Gold Reserve Full Spectrum Liquid Kratom Extract


Natures Resolve Gold is a high-quality liquid kratom extract shot!

Each 10ml shot has gone through advanced extraction techniques to retain a broader range of kratom alkaloids. This ensures users are getting a full spectrum product.

This shot contains 120mg mitragynine per bottle and can be used up to 3 times!

Naturally flavored with lime.

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Natures Gold Reserve Full Spectrum Liquid Kratom Extract

Natures Gold Reserve Full Spectrum Liquid Kratom Extract is a 10ml extract shot. Natures Gold has used an advanced extraction method to retain as much alkaloid content from the kratom plant as possible. This kratom extract shot contains all of the plant’s natural alkaloids and 120mg of pure mitragynine content.

If users are unfamiliar with gauging what they should consume in regards to an extract product vs. regular kratom powder, we will give you an idea of how much plain-leaf powder equivalent is in this shot! Each 3.3ml of this 10ml shot is the equivalent of 2-3 grams. If users are looking on the higher end of the spectrum, this entire shot would be 9 grams of plain-leaf powder!

With a high mitragynine content and a full spectrum product, that lands this liquid kratom extract shot in the ranks with brands like OPMS and Hush Kratom! If you are a consistent kratom or kratom extract user, you are fully aware these shots taste awful.

Natures Gold does an excellent job of masking its extract’s bitter flavor with a crisp lime juice that cuts right through that better flavoring with its acidity!

What Are The Benefits Of Full Spectrum Kratom Products?

As stated previously, the main benefit of a full-spectrum kratom product is a broader diversity of alkaloids from the plant. The most abundant alkaloids in the kratom plant are mitragynine, 7 hydroxy mitragynine, paynantheine, and speciogynine.

Out of these four alkaloids, only two are ever talked about. Mitragynine is responsible for the energizing effects of kratom, and 7 hydroxy mitragynine is responsible for kratoms’ more relaxing and analgesic effects.

Kratom has over 50 alkaloids, which make up a smaller percentage of the previously listed alkaloids. But they still play their role synergistically in how the plant works!

This study shows an analysis of a Red Bali strain that contained 24 different alkaloids, many of which were in trace amounts. The Green Malay strain has a smaller amount of alkaloids but a higher percentage of mitragynine.

Blending several different strains ensures users get an optimal balance of all of the alkaloids vs. one specific alkaloid. A full spectrum kratom allows users to get the most out of their product. They can benefit from the best effects of each type of strain.

Product Features:

  • 10ml Bottle
  • Contains 1-3 Servings
  • Full Spectrum Kratom Extract
  • 120mg Mitragynine Per Bottle
  • Natural Lime Juice Flavoring
  • Lab Tested For Safety And Potency