Club13 Green Malay Kratom


Club13 Herbals Green Malay is a crowd favorite.

Perfect balance between stimulating and sedating effects.

Experience extreme relaxation coupled with mood enhancing capabilities.

Available in capsules and powder form.


Club13 Green Malay Kratom

Club13 Green Malay Kratom is another very popular green vein strain on the market. This strain is all about relaxing and relieving the days stress. This is a perfect train for a beginner to try. With effects not overly stimulating nor overly sedating this is the perfect middle ground. You’ll experience an overall sense of well being, calm, and mood boosting properties as well.

Why Choose Club13 Green Malay Kratom?

Club13 Herbals is the number one trusted kratom vendor in the space. Club13 has been in the game since 1999 and still hold that title, that tells you something! Their mission is to source the highest quality all natural ingredients available. All of their products are sourced directly from Indonesia. Not only that, both capsules and powders are independently tested not only for mitragynine content but also mold, fungus, yeast, and biological pathogens. This ensures you get a clean and potent product every single time.

What Effects Should I Expect From Green Malay Kratom?

Most green vein kratom strains are pretty consistently middle ground and perfect for anyone. Green Malay is all about those relaxing vibes! Personally at Great CBD Shop we think most green veins offer more in terms of energy and focus, but Malay is a little different. This strain offers more in the sense of its mood boosting capabilities as well as inducing extreme calm and relaxation. That being said its sedative properties are nothing like a traditional red vein kratom strain. This strain is neither over stimulating or over sedating making it an excellent choice for a beginner or a veteran just looking to chill out for the day.

Capsule Product Features:

  • 0.950g Capsule Size
  • Plain Leaf Kratom
  • Green Malay Strain
  • Available in 25, 50, and 120ct Size
  • Independently Tested

Powder Product Features:

  • Plain Leaf Kratom
  • Green Malay Strain
  • Available in 30, 90, 150, and one pound Options
  • Independently Tested
Additional information
Select Powder or Capsules

Green Malay Powder


Green Malay Capsules

Weight/Quantity of Capsules







1 Pound





