Bulk Delta-8 THC Distillate


28ml 8THC in a glass vial. Full panel labs ran at Verde Testing.

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Bulk Delta-8 THC Distillate

Bulk Delta-8 THC Distillate consists of 28ml of Pure Delta-8 THC. This is the equivalent of 1oz of oil.

This bulk distillate tests at 92% of Delta 8 THC enclosed in a glass vial.

The product is residual solvent tested, so rest assured, this is a clean, pure delta-8 THC oil.

Each Glass vial of Bulk Delta-8 THC Distillate comes in a screw-top glass vial to ensure the least amount of oxidation.


Delta 8 THC has milder effects than Delta 9 THC, but its results are noticeable.

Distillate can become oxidized with changes in temperature and exposure to light and oxygen.

We do our best to keep it in a safe, cool space but during shipping; it can end up with a slight pink/oxidation color.

Please keep it in a safe, cool space. It Remains odorless for most people, but some users report a slight smell (described as sweet, plastic-y, or hay) as the product changes colors.

It is so viscous that it behaves almost like a solid at low temperatures and can be snapped or broken.

Product Features:

  • 28ml (1oz) Bulk Distillate
  • Hard Cardboard Tube Packaging For Shipping Safety
  • Delta 8 THC
  • 92% Purity

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Delta 8

I have been getting this product for a few months now and I can say this stuff is well worth the money, I have gotten similar product else where but I promise you this is the best place to get your delta 8. It is very versatile for edibles to even getting your own terepen profile and making your favorite oil aroma. I waited for multiple orders before making this review. Thank you

Thomas Charron
Delta distillate

I have never used this for cooking/edibles, but it does hit hard for delta 8 if dabbing. Can leave your glass very dirty with hard to clean resin. Always leaves a sticky residue on anything it touches. Yet it is still the best substitute for the real stuff I can’t get in my state legally. Overall solid product.