Barneys Botanicals Hangover Cure Packet

Original price was: $3.99.Current price is: $1.99.

Have you ever suffered from a hangover? We all have at one time or another; these easy on-the-go packets were formulated to help prevent this from ever happening!

Barneys Botanicals Hangover Cure Packets are single-use. Each packet blends 600mg of vitamin C, 500mg of vitamin B complex, 1.2mg of vitamin b-12, watermelon juice, and activated charcoal.

This blend utilizes essential vitamins and electrolytes to help prevent or cure that hangover!

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Barneys Botanicals Hangover Cure Packet

Barneys Botanicals Hangover Cure Packet is their second venture into dietary supplement products. They have chosen to focus on the two things users have the most issues with in 2023! Their first product was a Sleep Aid Packet; this packet focuses on another common issue….hangovers.

The problem users typically run into, more so than not, is forgetting to hydrate before they stumble off to bed. That is just too much work for an intoxicated person, calling an Uber, asking the Uber to stop at the store, getting a gatorlyte, and drinking it when you get home. That is far too many steps; Barneys has made it simple with these easy on-the-go packets!

This Hangover Cure comes in a single-use packet. Each packet combines essential vitamins and unique ingredients to provide electrolytes and remove any residual alcohol. Every packet is the perfect blend of 600mg vitamin C, 500mg vitamin B complex, 1.2mg vitamin b-12, watermelon juice, and activated charcoal.

These packets are perfect to take before bed for best results, but can even pull users out of a hangover in the morning if they forget! The leading cause of hangovers is the fact that alcohol dehydrates the user. This blend of ingredients focuses on pumping users full of vital vitamins and electrolytes lost during the night!

Product Features:

  • Available In A Single-Use Packet
  • Add To Water And Stir
  • Blend Of 600mg Of Vitamin C, 500mg Of Vitamin B Complex, 1.2mg Of Vitamin B-12, Watermelon Juice, And Activated Charcoal.
  • Provides Users With Essential Vitamins And Electrolytes To Aid In Preventing Or Overcoming A Hangover